When to change your
hearing aid batteries

Here’s how to know when it’s time to change your hearing aid batteries.

There are many factors that go into how often you’ll need to change your hearing aid batteries, including the battery size, what you do with your hearing aids (for instance, streaming increases battery drain), and even the weather.

But since batteries power your hearing aids and power is key to optimal hearing aid performance, it’s important to know when they’re running low, so you can replace them with fresh batteries.

The “low battery” alert activates

Depending on the hearing aids you have, a beep or voice alert may indicate “low battery”. If you hear this alert, it’s time to change your hearing aid batteries.

Your hearing instrument is "dead"

A “dead” hearing aid is most often the result of a dead hearing aid battery or a blocked receiver tube. Try inserting fresh hearing aid batteries or cleaning the receiver tube of any earwax or other debris.

Your hearing instrument is not loud enough

As you adjust to your hearing aids, you will begin to notice when changes in volume occur. First, check to ensure the hearing aids are free of any debris or blockage. Second, check your batteries. A low battery can also result in fluctuating performance.

Your hearing aids aren’t performing consistently

When your hearing aids seem to be inconsistent in sound quality or volume, it’s important to check your battery life. A hearing aid battery running low can result in inconsistent performance.