Hearing aid maintenance schedule

A regular maintenance schedule helps ensure your hearing aids perform their best.

Just as new cars have routine maintenance schedules, so too do hearing aids. And just like with cars, it’s good to follow them to ensure your hearing aids deliver long-lasting performance.

Here are some recommended best practices, though your hearing professional may tailor a slightly different plan for you.

  • Clean your hearing aids daily — Problems usually occur because debris builds up in important areas. Obstructed microphone and speaker openings can have detrimental effects on performance. Simply wiping off the hearing aids at the end of every day is the most effective way to maintain your devices. Brushing off the speaker and microphone covers with the brush provided can also prevent the buildup of debris.
  • Change your wax guards as needed — Starkey’s innovative Hear Clear wax guards prevent earwax accumulation in your hearing aids’ receivers — but need to be changed when clogged. The frequency depends on your ear wax production, as this will influence the need for replacement. Most people should perform this at least once a month. Your hearing professional will show you how to perform this task and can provide replacement kits.
  • Perform “Self Checks” monthly — Several Starkey hearing aids have a “Self Check” feature that lets you run a diagnostic test to evaluate the hearing aids’ speaker, microphone and circuit. This works easily and quickly via the Thrive app. A green check indicates everything is good. Yellow means the unit is functioning but not at optimal levels. Red indicates the need for maintenance. If red, contact your hearing professional.
  • Schedule quarterly “Clean and Checks” — Having your hearing professional thoroughly check and clean your devices is imperative for consistent best hearing. This is also an opportunity for them to update parts — as well programs — to ensure continued optimal performance.
  • Get your hearing tested annually — OK, this isn’t about hearing aid maintenance, but it is good practice anyway! Our hearing changes for a variety of reasons, so it’s wise to get your hearing regularly tested and have your provider update your hearing aids’ settings and accessories accordingly.